image: Iconology in digital art

Rough sketches and development material | Week 2, Unit 2

This section is intended to show rough sketches and concepts developed within Unit 2 of the MA Digital Arts.


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image: icons for men and women

Icons of men and women.

This first sketch was developed to examine the way male and female, men & women icons have been created in the past. Sketches of men & women, male & female were made using a variety of pictograms, icons, ideograms and phonetic signs.

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image: The verbal image 1

The verbal image 1.

The next two images examine WJT Mitchell's 'verbal image' as discussed in my outline notes. We think of verbal images as figurative or ornamental words (poetry for example), but another example would be musical notes on a page of sheet music or mathematical symbols.

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image: The verbal image 2

The verbal image 2.

This series of images explores the way writers embed verbal imagery within writing. The rough sketches also look at ciphers, written symbols and marks that imply a value.

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