image: Iconology in digital art

Rough sketches and development material | Week 23, Unit 2

This section is intended to show rough sketches and concepts developed within Unit 2 of the MA Digital Arts, 2005.


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image: iconic narrative 1

Iconic narrative - sketch 1.

The idea for these sketches is based around a simple comic-strip approach. I wanted to create short narratives that could be quickly develoepd into digital art.


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image:  iconic narrative 2

Iconic narrative - sketch 2.

These rough skecthes represent a number of emotive icons. The idea is to allow someone to choose an emotive state and the icon would change accordingly.

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image:  iconic narrative 3

Iconic narrative - sketch 3.

This sketch represents an idea for a dynamic narrative that changes based on the choice of direction that is made. Icons are used to represent the direction, but they may not always appear as arrows, but could be emotives or alert icons.

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