Outline of tasks for the Bartlett project from Andy Stiff
Key Points for Bartlett Students:
- Students asked to extend their knowledge of the city as a public
- Proposal to house facilities for film / video making and screening
in dense urban environment.
- Study nature of film + video and also traditoions of theatricality,
spectacle and public event.
- What does the building have to look like to tell the story of
film and the viewer, how does it does this with different media,
different perspectives of different characters.
- Each student chooses their own site. Andy Stiff to discuss telling
stories in digital media.
- Project interests are in how new typologies for entertainment
space and its consequences - not digital technology.
- Aims to create 3d representations of ideas to be transformed
into buildings.
MADA Students to:
This course, has a time based narrative. But the arena it happens
in takes many forms, and the relationships between individuals,
projects and Camberwell reflect this non sequential and fractured
nature. Investigate the following:
- Your relationship to Camberwell College of Arts - Particularly
the nature of the digital.
- Narratives that involve digital processes.
- Communications - have they freed us from physical boundaries?
What do they mean?
- Should a new building as an 'entertainment space' be physical?
What is the relationship between a time line and physical boundaries
Organise a structure amongst the online students that will be
able the engage with the face to face students, to collaborate on
the Bartlett project. You need to think about the following:
- How can a presentation be made to the Bartlett that tells the
story of face to face and online student integration.
Looking at:
- Your understanding of Camberwell [as discussed]
- Where you are.
- What is your understanding of digital media, virtual space,
real space
You need to organise chat sessions and use the message board I
have added to the common room site.
Discussion notes
Initial rough storyboard
Bartlett movie (4.8mb)
Collaborative narrative