image: Iconology in digital art
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Development work for week 26 (unit 2)


Image: Chaos of thought
Click image to view iconic narrative 3

Chaos of thought.

I recently finished reading James Gleick's book "Chaos". Although not directly connected with my proposal I have found the book very inspiring. Dynamic non-linear systems exist everywhere in our universe and they have long been taken for granted. Even the smallest supposedly linear systems (for examples, pendulums or water from a tap) have been shown to contain random 'noise' that could not be explained away.

I have created this digital art piece to represent the chaos that exists before, during and after the creation of a piece. We have all seen a proliferation of fractal images over the last 10 years. But did you know that fractals allow scientists to model dynamic system that were thought to be too random to be mapped by traditional maths.



James Gleick. Chaos. 1997.
[ISBN: 0-7493-8606-1]

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