image: Iconology in digital art
image: development

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Development work for week 13 (unit 2)


Digital imagery

This week I continued developing digital art pieces from roughs generated the previous week.

Image: The mental image 1

Icons of men and women.

This image explores icons, pictograms, symbols, ideograms and phonetic signs for men and women. Some of the examples are synecdochic (using part to represent the whole) or metonymic (substitutes an associated object to represent something else)

Click image to view a larger version


The example below looks at simple representations of physical objects through verbal images.

image: The verbal image of a tree

The verbal image of a tree.

In this example I have written a poem to explore how the verbal image is used to represent the idea of a tree; its appearance, size, physical attributes, and describe how we interact with its branches and bark - explaining the tactile feel of the tree through verbal images.

Click image to view a larger version


Image: The verbal image 1

The verbal image.

This piece represents how ideas originally 'jumped out' of written pages, and at a later stage, computers, and formed images in our minds. It also makes reference to phonetic symbols. For example, Pi in itself has no value; we have associated the value of 22 over 7 to this phonetic symbol.

Click image to view a larger version


W.J.T. Mitchell. Iconology - image, text, ideology. 1986 The University of Chicago Press. [ISBN: 0-226-53229-1] 4. Erwin Panofsky. Studies in Iconology: Humanistic Themes in the Art. 1972 [ISBN: 0-064-30025-0]

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