Click image to view iconic narratives
Iconic narrative | part 1.
This week I drew three series of sketches based
around the central theme of telling short stories through the use
of icons and pictograms.
This development work continued the theme of the
prevous weeks research - to examine the lack of differentiation
found within images and icons.
To view the rough sketches for these pieces, click

Click image to view iconic narratives
Iconic narrative | part 2.
The second narrative is based on emotive representation
in icons. Similar to icons on mobile phone, and also used to convey
emotions in emails (referred to sometimes as 'smileys'), the icons
I have developed were developed as pictograms. The final piece may
be created as a HTML/JavaScript page or within Flash.
To view an image of development work during the
creation of the initial artwork for the piece, click
See final version click