Inland Revenue New Zealand

Visit web site

IRD site redesign

Responsibilities included wire-frames, mock-ups, customer testing, writing customer testing reports (including graphing of findings and metrics), writing functional design briefs, UI and screen design, advising the development team on usability and accessibility issues and producing Flash and video assets when required.

IR home page redesign
IR home page redesign

Making Tax Easier - citizen consultation

Making Tax Easier video links
Making Tax Easier video links

Making Tax Easier consultation forum
Making Tax Easier consultation forum

Making Tax Easier video
Making Tax Easier video


Making Tax Easier banner ad
Making Tax Easier banner ad

Non-profit organisations section redesign

IR Non-profit section
IR Non-profit section

Residential property section redesign

Residential property section
Residential property section

Rugby World Cup tax portal

Rugby World Cup visitors section
Rugby World Cup visitors section

Online payment portal redesign

Making payments
Making payments

IRD online services and tax demos

View personal tax demo

While at IRD I designed a Flash framework, controlled by XML, that allowed other non-technical staff to create content and easily interchange screen flows and animated media.

Initially wire-frames and interaction flows were created and agreed before we engaged an external developer to create all the ActionScript functionality.

I was also responsible for writing the functional design brief, UI and screen design, Flash animations, XML integration and writing the user documentation.

IRD Workspace demo
IRD Workspace demo

IRD Personal tax demo
IRD Personal tax demo

IRD PTS demo animation